Doggie Stylez Inc Policy Agreement
Every client is required to read and sign the Doggie Stylez Services Policy Agreement prior to any service being rendered at Doggie Stylez Inc.
I, the undersigned client, do hereby entrust my pet(s) to Doggie Stylez Inc for the purpose of grooming, daycare, boarding, training, and/or dog walking of my pet(s).
Client is aware that all of the services provided by Doggie Stylez Inc, with the exception of nail trims, are services that must be scheduled in advance. Although scheduling may allow some services to be performed the day of a request, it is the responsibility of the Client to call Doggie Stylez Inc in advance to check for availability.
Clients wishing to have their dog’s nails trimmed ONLY, will be served on a walk-in basis providing a groomer is working.
PET(S) and PACK MATE (employee) SAFETY
Pet(s) safety is the top priority at Doggie Stylez Inc.
Doggie Stylez Inc requires a current copy of pet(s) vaccination records with expiration date. Rabies vaccination is required either annually or tri-annually depending on the vaccination given. DHLP-Parvo & Bordetella (Kennel Cough) are required for the protection of all pet(s). If a dog(s) has not previously been vaccinated against Bordetella, it is required that the dog(s) receive the vaccination and booster 2 weeks prior to boarding to allow full protective immunity to build up. Doggie Stylez Inc requires a previously vaccinated dog(s) to receive the vaccination a minimum of two days prior to a temperament test, boarding, daycare, or training. Although the Bordetella vaccine is required annually, Doggie Stylez Inc recommends the vaccine be given every 6 months for full effectiveness. If proof of vaccinations is not provided at the time of service, it is the responsibility of Client to obtain and provide proof BEFORE your dog(s) are allowed to complete a temperament test or allowed to attend daycare or boarding. This policy is strictly enforced.
Due care will be taken with the pet(s) for the safety of the pet(s) and packmates. If it is necessary, for the safety of the pet(s) and the packmates, muzzles, elastic collars, paper collars, leashes, loops, leads, slings, straps etc. will be humanely used and are acceptable.
Grooming Safety
Client is aware that with any grooming service accidents can happen such as nicks from clippers, scissors, or nail trimmers. Although accidents are very rare, there is a risk when working with pets. Client understands grooming equipment is sharp and possible problems could occur including cuts, nicks, scratches, quicking of nails, etc. Pet safety and comfort is the number one priority at Doggie Stylez Inc. In the event an accident does occur, Client will be notified of the incident. If Doggie Stylez Inc feels the incident is serious, and the Client is not on-site or able to be reached, Doggie Stylez Inc will seek immediate veterinary care for the pet.
For the pet(s) to properly respond to the grooming service it is essential that the pet(s) be left in the care of the groomer. Client(s) will not assist in the grooming process unless requested to do so. Although Doggie Stylez Inc is transparent in all operations, it is important for the safety of the pet(s) and groomer/packmates, Client(s) remain out of sight from their (pet) while on the grooming table. It is the policy of Doggie Stylez Inc to report any and all incidents that might occur during the grooming process regardless of severity.
Allowing a pet’s coat to become matted is not only very UNCOMFORTABLE, but DANGEROUS for a pet’s health. Excessive matting can be avoided with regular brushing/combing and grooming; the groomer will be happy to show clients brushing techniques for mat prevention.
The groomer will de-mat the pet (if possible) for a fee (minimum $10) in addition to the regular grooming fee OR the pet will receive a “shave down” to remove the mats. A shave down is the most humane and efficient way to remove mats. In the event of extreme matting, Client will be contacted by the groomer to discuss de-matting options. Removing the mats allows the skin to receive necessary oxygen and allows for new, healthy hair to grow. If Client requests the mats be combed out, the groomer will only do so if it does not cause the pet undue stress or pain. Excessive de-matting is a painful, time-consuming and costly procedure that causes extreme discomfort and can aggravate (or cause) skin problems.
Client is aware that neglect of a pet's coat can be cause for problems after grooming such as clipper/brush irritation.
Shave downs or custom cuts that are outside normal specific breed haircuts will be discussed with the Client and the groomer will perform the cuts to the best of his/her understanding of client’s directions and his/her ability.
Shaving a pet may dramatically change the pet’s appearance and the hair will be very close to the skin. This may expose pre-existing skin conditions. Client(s) will be made aware of any condition discovered through the grooming process.
Doggie Stylez Inc understands that some pets are extremely sensitive to certain grooming procedures such as nail trimming, anal gland expression, and/or ear cleaning/plucking. Doggie Stylez Inc will take all precautions so as to not cause pet(s) discomfort. Although these are routine procedures normally performed for the well-being of the pet(s), any procedure causing pain, stress and/or harm to the pet and/or packmate/groomer will be discontinued immediately. For more sensitive pet(s), these procedures are best left to the care of a veterinarian.
Doggie Stylez Inc works with puppies to lay the foundation that grooming is a positive, relaxing, and enjoyable experience. Every effort to lay this foundation will be made by starting with simple haircuts allowing the puppy’s behavior and tolerance to guide the grooming process. Puppies should enjoy grooming and to encourage this, a puppy's first haircut is not guaranteed. Clients are encouraged to work with pet(s) at home to teach them that grooming is a positive experience, in turn making professional grooming much easier for both pet(s) and groomer. Groomer will provide clients tips for working with young pet(s) at home as requested. Tearless shampoo will be used for safety.
Doggie Stylez Inc uses extra time, additional techniques and precautions for older pet(s); however, Doggie Stylez Inc will not be held responsible for any reaction due to routine mental or physical stress caused by services rendered through Doggie Stylez Inc. If, in Doggie Stylez Inc’s professional judgement, service(s) being provided are determined to cause too much stress to the pet(s), the service will be modified and/or discontinued. It is the responsibility of the Client to notify Doggie Stylez Inc of any health conditions that might make pet(s) uncomfortable while receiving services through Doggie Stylez Inc.
Client assumes risk for any service for pet(s) who are elderly, frail or in poor health.
Every effort will be made to keep the Doggie Stylez Inc grooming schedule running on time. If pet(s) have behavior needs or skin and/or coat problems, grooming may take a longer period of time. If grooming needs to be completed by a certain time, Client will inform Doggie Stylez Inc and/or groomer prior to the groom. Doggie Stylez Inc will try to accommodate.
If Client prefers to stay and wait while pet(s) is groomed, Doggie Stylez Inc requires Client(s) to wait out of sight of pet(s) and in the designated waiting area. Doggie Stylez Inc asks that Client is not visible to pet(s) through the observation window while grooming is in progress. Doing so may cause the pet(s) to become excited and make safe grooming of the pet(s) very difficult. Doggie Stylez Inc will contact Client as soon as the pet(s) is ready. If Doggie Stylez Inc has not contacted Client, then Client understands that the pet(s) is not ready.
Doggie Stylez Inc requires specific appointment times so as to reduce stress on the pet(s) and reduce the amount of time the pet(s) is away from their owner.
Client is aware that pet(s) getting groomed may be dropped off no more than 15 minutes before the scheduled appointment time unless prior arrangements have been made. Clients arriving more than 15 minutes before the scheduled appointment time may be required to wait in the lobby with their pet(s) until the scheduled appointment time.
Clients arriving more than 15 minutes past the scheduled appointment time will be required to reschedule their appointment unless prior arrangements have been made.
Client is aware that pet(s) must be picked up within 45 min of Doggie Stylez Inc calling to say the groom is complete. Client is aware that failure to answer their phone resulting in their pet(s) being left for more than 45 minutes after the completion of the groom will incur an additional charge.
If fleas are found on your pet(s), Doggie Stylez Inc WILL administer a flea bath to eradicate the fleas in order to maintain salon sanitation. This is at the Client’s expense. The shampoo is gentle, non-alkaline and hypoallergenic (1).
Allergies and Sensitivities: Pet safety and comfort is a primary concern. Client will advise Doggie Stylez Inc of any allergies, sensitivities, or pre-existing medical and/or behavioral conditions so as to avoid aggravating these situations. Client will inform Doggie Stylez Inc of any prior grooming, boarding, and daycare history Client or Client’s pet may have found unsatisfactory. Doggie Stylez Inc will practice due diligence to avoid the repetition of poor or unpleasant experiences or situations.
Doggie Stylez Inc will be held harmless from damage, loss or claims arising from any known or unknown pre-existing condition of the pet(s). The terms, special services or handling shall include but are not limited to veterinary emergency services in the event that an emergency should arise and/or the client is not available. Client authorizes Doggie Stylez Inc to act as his/her agent in the event emergency veterinarian services are necessary and agrees to pay all costs. Any/all damages or claims shall include but not be limited to advanced age, extreme nervousness, neurosis, illness, injury, skin or coat conditions or other medical conditions or incidents.
Doggie Stylez Inc is a cage-free facility. A personality and temperament test is completed on all dogs before they are allowed to socialize with other dogs in our daycare and boarding program. Although dogs are supervised at ALL times, because Doggie Stylez Inc is a cage-free facility, there is an additional risk associated with free play. In the event an injury does occur, Client will be notified about the incident as soon as the situation allows. If Doggie Stylez Inc feels an injury is serious, and Client or emergency contact is not on-site or able to be reached, Client is aware Doggie Stylez Inc will seek immediate veterinary care for your animal.
All boarding and daycare dogs are required to provide proof of current vaccinations including Rabies, Bordetella, and DHLPP (Distemper). Even though ALL dogs are vaccinated, sending a dog to daycare/boarding is just like sending a child to daycare or school; there is a risk of dog(s) “catching a cold” or other illness. Client is aware dogs have access to community water bowls, pools, shared toys, and play using their mouths and tongues. If at any point a Doggie Stylez Inc packmate suspects a dog(s) may be feeling under the weather (sneezing, coughing, lethargic, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc), Doggie Stylez Inc will separate said dog(s) from off leash play and the client will be contacted. Client is aware dog(s) that are suspected of having any illness will be kept separate from the group and are required to be picked up immediately. If Client cannot be reached, Doggie Stylez Inc will contact the emergency contact listed on the client registration form. If the emergency contact cannot be reached, Doggie Stylez Inc will contact the veterinarian and follow veterinarian recommended protocol. Dogs that are sent home for a suspected illness will not be allowed to return to group play without documentation from their veterinarian.
Client is aware that costs associated with treatment for injuries and/or illnesses are the responsibility of the Client(s).
Client understands any dog which is not picked up from boarding on the scheduled date and time listed on the boarding instructions form will incur additional charges and fees unless prior arrangements have been made.
Client understands that daycare dog(s) not picked up by 6:00 pm will automatically be checked in to boarding and will incur an additional fee unless prior arrangements have been made. Client will be responsible for picking up their dog(s) during business hours the following day. Client understands their dog(s) will be cared for in the same manner as other boarding dogs and will be fed Doggie Stylez Inc house food.
Repeated incidences of a Client’s dog(s) being left without contacting Doggie Stylez Inc may result in the termination of the business/client relationship.
Client is aware and agrees that any dog(s) left at Doggie Stylez Inc for 1 week or more past their scheduled pick-up date without contact/arrangements made by the client, will be made eligible for adoption. Client will still be held liable for the cost of their pet's care.
Drop Off
Monday-Saturday: 7:30am - 3:00pm
We ask that your dog(s) be dropped off for their boarding no later than 3:00 pm on the day of their arrival. This allows your dog(s) to become familiar with the pack and burn off some energy before it is time for bed.
Pick Up
Monday-Saturday: Check out time on departure day is 7:30am-12:00pm.
Dogs leaving after 12:00pm on the date of their departure will be checked in to daycare. The cost of daycare is $25. Clients with a daycare package may use a day from their daycare package for check outs after 12:00pm.
Pick Up/Drop Off ONLY 11:00am - 1:00pm
Sunday LATE pick up 4:00 pm-5:00 pm ($35 late pick-up fee. Must be arranged in advance.)
If Client is unable to pick their dog(s) up on the scheduled check out date, Client will call and let Doggie Stylez Inc know to ensure space is available. Client will be charged a $35 fee in addition to the cost of boarding if we are not contacted prior to closing at 6:00 pm on the scheduled day of departure.
Clients who will be boarding their dog(s) for a period of 2 solid weeks or more are required to keep a credit card on file at Doggie Stylez Inc. Client agrees that Doggie Stylez Inc will charge the card on file at the conclusion of the first week and the conclusion of each week thereafter.
Doggie Stylez Inc has the right to refuse service for any reason.
Pet safety, comfort and well-being is the utmost concern at Doggie Stylez Inc. Client’s pet(s) will be groomed, boarded, and cared for by trained professional groomers and packmates. Doggie Stylez Inc reserves the right to alter or cease any service in the event that it is determined to be in the best interest of a pet and/or the pack or a pet displays aggressive or potentially harmful behavior to either themselves or other pets.
Client understands that Doggie Stylez Inc may decide at any time that kennel free boarding and/or daycare is not the best option for your dog(s). Client understands that Doggie Stylez Inc has the right to refuse service to Client's pet(s) at any time for any reason. In the event a dog cannot complete the scheduled boarding and/or daycare reservation for any reason, either the owner or emergency contact listed on their boarding registration form will be required to pick up your dog(s).
Bite Policy
This policy applies to all dogs in the care of Doggie Stylez Inc and all services provided by Doggie Stylez Inc. This policy is designed to create a safe and harmonious environment for all dogs in the care of Doggie Stylez Inc and ensure the safety of all Doggie Stylez packmates.
If a dog inappropriately bites another dog or a Doggie Stylez Inc packmate in a dominant or aggressive manner and inflicts any type of injury, the packmate, along with management holds the right to immediately separate the dog(s) from the pack and terminate services at any time.
Client is aware of the inherent risks of dogs interacting in a social play group setting. These risks include but are not limited to:
Client understands that payment for all services is due at the time the services are rendered. Client understands a $35 non-sufficient funds fee will be assessed on all returned checks and that client will be placed on a cash only basis thereafter.
A courtesy reminder email, text and/or call will be made up to 48 hours prior to your appointment/reservation time. An email address, home and/or cell phone number is required.
Doggie Stylez Inc must be notified at least 24 hours prior to a scheduled grooming or daycare appointment of any cancellations. Doggie Stylez Inc must be notified 48 hours in advance of any boarding cancellation. Client may email, text, call, or leave a voicemail regarding any cancellation. Clients who do not call to cancel a service may be billed for the service or a portion thereof if proper notice of cancellation is not given. Service may be terminated for repeated cancellations without appropriate notice.
Client agrees and allows Doggie Stylez Inc to take pictures/video of pet(s) to be used for pet files, social media, advertising, and website. All photos taken are property of Doggie Stylez Inc. Client allows for the use of pet’s name on said applications.
I, the undersigned client, understand that by signing the “New Client Registration Form”, I am agreeing that I have read, understand and agree to the above terms and obligations for the grooming, boarding, daycare, training and maintenance of my pet(s).
I release Doggie Stylez Inc, its agents, officers, sub-contractors, and employees from any and all liabilities, financial, and otherwise, for injuries to myself, my pet(s), and/or any of my property, which arise in any way from my presence on Doggie Stylez Inc property, services rendered, equipment placement and/or use, and products provided by and/or used as a consequence of my association with Doggie Stylez Inc including, but not limited to, veterinarian/medical bills.
In consideration of and as inducement to my client/business relationship with Doggie Stylez Inc, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Doggie Stylez Inc, their employees, agents, and assistants from any and all claims.
I, the undersigned client, do hereby entrust my pet(s) to Doggie Stylez Inc for the purpose of grooming, daycare, boarding, training, and/or dog walking of my pet(s).
Client is aware that all of the services provided by Doggie Stylez Inc, with the exception of nail trims, are services that must be scheduled in advance. Although scheduling may allow some services to be performed the day of a request, it is the responsibility of the Client to call Doggie Stylez Inc in advance to check for availability.
Clients wishing to have their dog’s nails trimmed ONLY, will be served on a walk-in basis providing a groomer is working.
PET(S) and PACK MATE (employee) SAFETY
Pet(s) safety is the top priority at Doggie Stylez Inc.
Doggie Stylez Inc requires a current copy of pet(s) vaccination records with expiration date. Rabies vaccination is required either annually or tri-annually depending on the vaccination given. DHLP-Parvo & Bordetella (Kennel Cough) are required for the protection of all pet(s). If a dog(s) has not previously been vaccinated against Bordetella, it is required that the dog(s) receive the vaccination and booster 2 weeks prior to boarding to allow full protective immunity to build up. Doggie Stylez Inc requires a previously vaccinated dog(s) to receive the vaccination a minimum of two days prior to a temperament test, boarding, daycare, or training. Although the Bordetella vaccine is required annually, Doggie Stylez Inc recommends the vaccine be given every 6 months for full effectiveness. If proof of vaccinations is not provided at the time of service, it is the responsibility of Client to obtain and provide proof BEFORE your dog(s) are allowed to complete a temperament test or allowed to attend daycare or boarding. This policy is strictly enforced.
Due care will be taken with the pet(s) for the safety of the pet(s) and packmates. If it is necessary, for the safety of the pet(s) and the packmates, muzzles, elastic collars, paper collars, leashes, loops, leads, slings, straps etc. will be humanely used and are acceptable.
Grooming Safety
Client is aware that with any grooming service accidents can happen such as nicks from clippers, scissors, or nail trimmers. Although accidents are very rare, there is a risk when working with pets. Client understands grooming equipment is sharp and possible problems could occur including cuts, nicks, scratches, quicking of nails, etc. Pet safety and comfort is the number one priority at Doggie Stylez Inc. In the event an accident does occur, Client will be notified of the incident. If Doggie Stylez Inc feels the incident is serious, and the Client is not on-site or able to be reached, Doggie Stylez Inc will seek immediate veterinary care for the pet.
For the pet(s) to properly respond to the grooming service it is essential that the pet(s) be left in the care of the groomer. Client(s) will not assist in the grooming process unless requested to do so. Although Doggie Stylez Inc is transparent in all operations, it is important for the safety of the pet(s) and groomer/packmates, Client(s) remain out of sight from their (pet) while on the grooming table. It is the policy of Doggie Stylez Inc to report any and all incidents that might occur during the grooming process regardless of severity.
Allowing a pet’s coat to become matted is not only very UNCOMFORTABLE, but DANGEROUS for a pet’s health. Excessive matting can be avoided with regular brushing/combing and grooming; the groomer will be happy to show clients brushing techniques for mat prevention.
The groomer will de-mat the pet (if possible) for a fee (minimum $10) in addition to the regular grooming fee OR the pet will receive a “shave down” to remove the mats. A shave down is the most humane and efficient way to remove mats. In the event of extreme matting, Client will be contacted by the groomer to discuss de-matting options. Removing the mats allows the skin to receive necessary oxygen and allows for new, healthy hair to grow. If Client requests the mats be combed out, the groomer will only do so if it does not cause the pet undue stress or pain. Excessive de-matting is a painful, time-consuming and costly procedure that causes extreme discomfort and can aggravate (or cause) skin problems.
Client is aware that neglect of a pet's coat can be cause for problems after grooming such as clipper/brush irritation.
Shave downs or custom cuts that are outside normal specific breed haircuts will be discussed with the Client and the groomer will perform the cuts to the best of his/her understanding of client’s directions and his/her ability.
Shaving a pet may dramatically change the pet’s appearance and the hair will be very close to the skin. This may expose pre-existing skin conditions. Client(s) will be made aware of any condition discovered through the grooming process.
Doggie Stylez Inc understands that some pets are extremely sensitive to certain grooming procedures such as nail trimming, anal gland expression, and/or ear cleaning/plucking. Doggie Stylez Inc will take all precautions so as to not cause pet(s) discomfort. Although these are routine procedures normally performed for the well-being of the pet(s), any procedure causing pain, stress and/or harm to the pet and/or packmate/groomer will be discontinued immediately. For more sensitive pet(s), these procedures are best left to the care of a veterinarian.
Doggie Stylez Inc works with puppies to lay the foundation that grooming is a positive, relaxing, and enjoyable experience. Every effort to lay this foundation will be made by starting with simple haircuts allowing the puppy’s behavior and tolerance to guide the grooming process. Puppies should enjoy grooming and to encourage this, a puppy's first haircut is not guaranteed. Clients are encouraged to work with pet(s) at home to teach them that grooming is a positive experience, in turn making professional grooming much easier for both pet(s) and groomer. Groomer will provide clients tips for working with young pet(s) at home as requested. Tearless shampoo will be used for safety.
Doggie Stylez Inc uses extra time, additional techniques and precautions for older pet(s); however, Doggie Stylez Inc will not be held responsible for any reaction due to routine mental or physical stress caused by services rendered through Doggie Stylez Inc. If, in Doggie Stylez Inc’s professional judgement, service(s) being provided are determined to cause too much stress to the pet(s), the service will be modified and/or discontinued. It is the responsibility of the Client to notify Doggie Stylez Inc of any health conditions that might make pet(s) uncomfortable while receiving services through Doggie Stylez Inc.
Client assumes risk for any service for pet(s) who are elderly, frail or in poor health.
Every effort will be made to keep the Doggie Stylez Inc grooming schedule running on time. If pet(s) have behavior needs or skin and/or coat problems, grooming may take a longer period of time. If grooming needs to be completed by a certain time, Client will inform Doggie Stylez Inc and/or groomer prior to the groom. Doggie Stylez Inc will try to accommodate.
If Client prefers to stay and wait while pet(s) is groomed, Doggie Stylez Inc requires Client(s) to wait out of sight of pet(s) and in the designated waiting area. Doggie Stylez Inc asks that Client is not visible to pet(s) through the observation window while grooming is in progress. Doing so may cause the pet(s) to become excited and make safe grooming of the pet(s) very difficult. Doggie Stylez Inc will contact Client as soon as the pet(s) is ready. If Doggie Stylez Inc has not contacted Client, then Client understands that the pet(s) is not ready.
Doggie Stylez Inc requires specific appointment times so as to reduce stress on the pet(s) and reduce the amount of time the pet(s) is away from their owner.
Client is aware that pet(s) getting groomed may be dropped off no more than 15 minutes before the scheduled appointment time unless prior arrangements have been made. Clients arriving more than 15 minutes before the scheduled appointment time may be required to wait in the lobby with their pet(s) until the scheduled appointment time.
Clients arriving more than 15 minutes past the scheduled appointment time will be required to reschedule their appointment unless prior arrangements have been made.
Client is aware that pet(s) must be picked up within 45 min of Doggie Stylez Inc calling to say the groom is complete. Client is aware that failure to answer their phone resulting in their pet(s) being left for more than 45 minutes after the completion of the groom will incur an additional charge.
If fleas are found on your pet(s), Doggie Stylez Inc WILL administer a flea bath to eradicate the fleas in order to maintain salon sanitation. This is at the Client’s expense. The shampoo is gentle, non-alkaline and hypoallergenic (1).
Allergies and Sensitivities: Pet safety and comfort is a primary concern. Client will advise Doggie Stylez Inc of any allergies, sensitivities, or pre-existing medical and/or behavioral conditions so as to avoid aggravating these situations. Client will inform Doggie Stylez Inc of any prior grooming, boarding, and daycare history Client or Client’s pet may have found unsatisfactory. Doggie Stylez Inc will practice due diligence to avoid the repetition of poor or unpleasant experiences or situations.
Doggie Stylez Inc will be held harmless from damage, loss or claims arising from any known or unknown pre-existing condition of the pet(s). The terms, special services or handling shall include but are not limited to veterinary emergency services in the event that an emergency should arise and/or the client is not available. Client authorizes Doggie Stylez Inc to act as his/her agent in the event emergency veterinarian services are necessary and agrees to pay all costs. Any/all damages or claims shall include but not be limited to advanced age, extreme nervousness, neurosis, illness, injury, skin or coat conditions or other medical conditions or incidents.
Doggie Stylez Inc is a cage-free facility. A personality and temperament test is completed on all dogs before they are allowed to socialize with other dogs in our daycare and boarding program. Although dogs are supervised at ALL times, because Doggie Stylez Inc is a cage-free facility, there is an additional risk associated with free play. In the event an injury does occur, Client will be notified about the incident as soon as the situation allows. If Doggie Stylez Inc feels an injury is serious, and Client or emergency contact is not on-site or able to be reached, Client is aware Doggie Stylez Inc will seek immediate veterinary care for your animal.
All boarding and daycare dogs are required to provide proof of current vaccinations including Rabies, Bordetella, and DHLPP (Distemper). Even though ALL dogs are vaccinated, sending a dog to daycare/boarding is just like sending a child to daycare or school; there is a risk of dog(s) “catching a cold” or other illness. Client is aware dogs have access to community water bowls, pools, shared toys, and play using their mouths and tongues. If at any point a Doggie Stylez Inc packmate suspects a dog(s) may be feeling under the weather (sneezing, coughing, lethargic, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc), Doggie Stylez Inc will separate said dog(s) from off leash play and the client will be contacted. Client is aware dog(s) that are suspected of having any illness will be kept separate from the group and are required to be picked up immediately. If Client cannot be reached, Doggie Stylez Inc will contact the emergency contact listed on the client registration form. If the emergency contact cannot be reached, Doggie Stylez Inc will contact the veterinarian and follow veterinarian recommended protocol. Dogs that are sent home for a suspected illness will not be allowed to return to group play without documentation from their veterinarian.
Client is aware that costs associated with treatment for injuries and/or illnesses are the responsibility of the Client(s).
- DO fill out your “Boarding Instructions Form” online prior to your dog’s visit to help expedite the check-in process.
- DO bring your dog’s food. It is best if your dog stays on their normal diet.
- DO let Doggie Stylez know of any change in your contact phone number and/or emergency contact information.
- DO give detailed information and dosing amounts on any medication currently being taken by your pet.
- DO send ALL medication in a proper container with a label
- DO make sure your dog is wearing a cloth, nylon or leather collar.
- DO send special treats that your dog(s) normally get.
- DO label all personal belongings including bedding, food containers, toys, etc (Doggie Stylez cannot guarantee that all personal belongings will be returned in the condition they arrive).
- DO bring your dog's blanket/bedding and Doggie Stylez will put it on the elevated bed Doggie Stylez provides. Every dog is given a bed in their room that is approximately 2.5 inches off the ground. If you would rather not bring their bedding from home, that's OK too...Doggie Stylez has blankets that will be provided. If your dog is a chewer and you would rather them not have a blanket, that's OK too...just let Doggie Stylez know when you check in.
- DO consider portioning your dog's food into individual servings using Zip Lock baggies. This ensures that you are packing enough food for your dog's stay. If you would like your dog to have a treat from home with their meal, you are welcome to throw that into the baggy as well. If your dog eats wet food, please write the amount served on the can with permanent marker.
- DON’T send you dog without a collar or only a choke or prong collar. Collars are required and choke and prong collars are not allowed in off-leash play. When your dog arrives, choke and prong collars will be removed and placed with your dog's belongings until the time of departure.
- DON’T send your dog wearing a bandana. No bandanas are allowed during off-leash play. If your dog wears a bandana, it will be removed and placed with their belongings and put back on at the time of departure.
- DON’T send breakable items of any kind.
- DON’T send bowls from home unless they are a specialized bowl (slow feeder, etc) AND are metal or plastic. Doggie Stylez will provide food and water bowls in the appropriate size to fit your dog's needs.
- AND…for safety reasons, Doggie Stylez cannot leave food out all day. Dogs that are typically "free feed" at home will be fed 1 cup of food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner unless specified by owner on the boarding instruction form.
Client understands any dog which is not picked up from boarding on the scheduled date and time listed on the boarding instructions form will incur additional charges and fees unless prior arrangements have been made.
Client understands that daycare dog(s) not picked up by 6:00 pm will automatically be checked in to boarding and will incur an additional fee unless prior arrangements have been made. Client will be responsible for picking up their dog(s) during business hours the following day. Client understands their dog(s) will be cared for in the same manner as other boarding dogs and will be fed Doggie Stylez Inc house food.
Repeated incidences of a Client’s dog(s) being left without contacting Doggie Stylez Inc may result in the termination of the business/client relationship.
Client is aware and agrees that any dog(s) left at Doggie Stylez Inc for 1 week or more past their scheduled pick-up date without contact/arrangements made by the client, will be made eligible for adoption. Client will still be held liable for the cost of their pet's care.
Drop Off
Monday-Saturday: 7:30am - 3:00pm
We ask that your dog(s) be dropped off for their boarding no later than 3:00 pm on the day of their arrival. This allows your dog(s) to become familiar with the pack and burn off some energy before it is time for bed.
Pick Up
Monday-Saturday: Check out time on departure day is 7:30am-12:00pm.
Dogs leaving after 12:00pm on the date of their departure will be checked in to daycare. The cost of daycare is $25. Clients with a daycare package may use a day from their daycare package for check outs after 12:00pm.
Pick Up/Drop Off ONLY 11:00am - 1:00pm
Sunday LATE pick up 4:00 pm-5:00 pm ($35 late pick-up fee. Must be arranged in advance.)
If Client is unable to pick their dog(s) up on the scheduled check out date, Client will call and let Doggie Stylez Inc know to ensure space is available. Client will be charged a $35 fee in addition to the cost of boarding if we are not contacted prior to closing at 6:00 pm on the scheduled day of departure.
Clients who will be boarding their dog(s) for a period of 2 solid weeks or more are required to keep a credit card on file at Doggie Stylez Inc. Client agrees that Doggie Stylez Inc will charge the card on file at the conclusion of the first week and the conclusion of each week thereafter.
Doggie Stylez Inc has the right to refuse service for any reason.
Pet safety, comfort and well-being is the utmost concern at Doggie Stylez Inc. Client’s pet(s) will be groomed, boarded, and cared for by trained professional groomers and packmates. Doggie Stylez Inc reserves the right to alter or cease any service in the event that it is determined to be in the best interest of a pet and/or the pack or a pet displays aggressive or potentially harmful behavior to either themselves or other pets.
Client understands that Doggie Stylez Inc may decide at any time that kennel free boarding and/or daycare is not the best option for your dog(s). Client understands that Doggie Stylez Inc has the right to refuse service to Client's pet(s) at any time for any reason. In the event a dog cannot complete the scheduled boarding and/or daycare reservation for any reason, either the owner or emergency contact listed on their boarding registration form will be required to pick up your dog(s).
Bite Policy
This policy applies to all dogs in the care of Doggie Stylez Inc and all services provided by Doggie Stylez Inc. This policy is designed to create a safe and harmonious environment for all dogs in the care of Doggie Stylez Inc and ensure the safety of all Doggie Stylez packmates.
If a dog inappropriately bites another dog or a Doggie Stylez Inc packmate in a dominant or aggressive manner and inflicts any type of injury, the packmate, along with management holds the right to immediately separate the dog(s) from the pack and terminate services at any time.
Client is aware of the inherent risks of dogs interacting in a social play group setting. These risks include but are not limited to:
- Infectious diseases
- Minor traumas
- Cuts and abrasions
- Bite wounds
Client understands that payment for all services is due at the time the services are rendered. Client understands a $35 non-sufficient funds fee will be assessed on all returned checks and that client will be placed on a cash only basis thereafter.
A courtesy reminder email, text and/or call will be made up to 48 hours prior to your appointment/reservation time. An email address, home and/or cell phone number is required.
Doggie Stylez Inc must be notified at least 24 hours prior to a scheduled grooming or daycare appointment of any cancellations. Doggie Stylez Inc must be notified 48 hours in advance of any boarding cancellation. Client may email, text, call, or leave a voicemail regarding any cancellation. Clients who do not call to cancel a service may be billed for the service or a portion thereof if proper notice of cancellation is not given. Service may be terminated for repeated cancellations without appropriate notice.
Client agrees and allows Doggie Stylez Inc to take pictures/video of pet(s) to be used for pet files, social media, advertising, and website. All photos taken are property of Doggie Stylez Inc. Client allows for the use of pet’s name on said applications.
I, the undersigned client, understand that by signing the “New Client Registration Form”, I am agreeing that I have read, understand and agree to the above terms and obligations for the grooming, boarding, daycare, training and maintenance of my pet(s).
I release Doggie Stylez Inc, its agents, officers, sub-contractors, and employees from any and all liabilities, financial, and otherwise, for injuries to myself, my pet(s), and/or any of my property, which arise in any way from my presence on Doggie Stylez Inc property, services rendered, equipment placement and/or use, and products provided by and/or used as a consequence of my association with Doggie Stylez Inc including, but not limited to, veterinarian/medical bills.
In consideration of and as inducement to my client/business relationship with Doggie Stylez Inc, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Doggie Stylez Inc, their employees, agents, and assistants from any and all claims.